Selection Criteria


We have established specific selection criteria that we use when analyzing and processing applications

Criteria 1

Switzerland and Europe

We assist operations with teams (CEO, CTO, COO) based in the Swiss and/or European markets, working full-time within the startup.

Criteria 2

Technological Element

We require the core business to incorporate a technology component and to operate with a scalable business model.

Criteria 3

Equity and SFP

Participation will involve receiving ownership shares in the company or financial instruments like SFP in exchange for involvement.

Criteria 4

3, 3, and 3

The startup should be no more than 3 years old and should project revenue of at least 3 million Swiss francs over the next 3 years.

Criteria 5

Valuation and Funding

The startup’s valuation should not exceed 5 million Swiss francs or euros as part of the assessment for this funding round.

Criteria 6

From Founder to Partner

We welcome applications exclusively from the original founders of the startup who are transitioning to become partners.

Ready to begin with Glominvest?

Begin your journey towards unlocking the full potential of your startup. Apply today to discover how we can assist you in growing your business.